Cameron Center turns 50! Let’s Celebrate!!!

Join us in celebrating a remarkable milestone!

The J. Walter Cameron Center is proud to announce our 50th Anniversary, marking five decades of serving the Maui community.

For half a century, the Cameron Center has been a hub of support for health, social services, and cultural organizations. We’ve provided space for 22 agencies, serving over 60,000 individuals annually.

From cancer support for the homeless to vocational training and warm water therapy, our resident agencies have positively impacted countless lives.

As we commemorate this special occasion on August 17, 2023, 3:00pm we invite you to be part of the celebration! Stay tuned for exciting updates, sponsorship opportunities, and a Silent Auction where you can contribute and make a difference.

Together, let’s continue incubating, supporting, and accelerating social good in our community for another 50 years and beyond.

Sponsorship opportunities are available!

Learn more here >>

New Murals at the Cameron Center

Discover the Captivating New Mural at the Cameron Center by Wilton & Talia Leauanae!

We’re thrilled to unveil the latest masterpiece gracing the walls of the Cameron Center, a true celebration of life’s resilience and beauty! Renowned artist Wilton Leauanae and his daughter Talia has brought to life these vibrant murals, filled with meaning and inspiration. When asked about the butterfly mural, he shared profound insights that touched our hearts.

“We chose the butterfly symbol with Hawaii’s plants that aligns with what the Cameron Center logo stands for,” Wilton & Talia explained. The gradual lightening in the artwork represents the transformative journey from despair to hope.

The butterfly and Hawaii’s native plants symbolize the process of rebirth and life’s continuous changes and growth. From birth, we all undergo transformations, with some embracing life’s beauty while others face struggles. But this mural reminds us that no matter where we stand on life’s journey, it’s never too late to grow and conquer life’s challenges.

Standing in the middle of this stunning artwork for a photo, we’re reminded to seek and develop the beauty and goodness within ourselves and around us. It’s an invitation to embrace life’s goodness and overcome obstacles, finding the strength to blossom even in the face of adversity.

Come and experience this remarkable mural at the Cameron Center, capturing the essence of hope and resilience in every brushstroke!

Did you know there are 22 resident agencies at the Cameron Center? Learn more here >>

Ho’i I Ke Kula: Health Fair – Aug 12th, 9:00a-1:00p


Join us for the Ho`i I Ke Kula: Health Fair on August 12th, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Cameron Center! This event is brought to you by Hui No Ke Ola Pono and promises to be a day filled with wellness and community support. Come and take advantage of health screenings, informational booths, and various activities promoting a healthy lifestyle. Let’s gather at the Cameron Center to prioritize our well-being together! See you there!

About Our Founder: J. Walter Cameron


J. Walter Cameron (1895-1976) was a prominent businessman who settled in Hawaii in 1923. He was involved in various businesses, including The Maui News and Maui Pineapple Company. Along with his son Colin, he developed the Kapalua resort, keeping in mind a strong sense of aloha for the people and the environment.
Aside from his financial success, Mr. Cameron was known for his compassionate nature. He saw the hardships faced by families with disabled members and envisioned a facility that would help and care for individuals with special needs, providing opportunities for growth and self-esteem. This vision led to the creation of the J. Walter Cameron Center, which became a reality in April 1973.
Mr. Cameron contributed the first $10,000 for a feasibility study to make the Center possible, despite doubts from many about its viability. With the assistance of his friend Douglas Sodetani, they raised over $2 million for its construction. The Center opened its doors in 1973 and provided care and support to individuals with disabilities on Maui. Mr. Cameron served as the Board President until his passing in January 1976, and Douglas Sodetani succeeded him in that role until his own passing in December 1996. Learn more about the Cameron Center here >>

Seeking Silent Auction Donations & Sponsorships

Save the Date: August 17, 2023, 3 pm!

We are thrilled to invite you to join us in celebrating a remarkable achievement! The Cameron Center is hosting an unforgettable celebration that you won’t want to miss!

Join us for an incredible event filled with live music, exciting entertainment, engaging keiki activities, delectable local food, a silent auction, and mind-blowing giveaways!

But that’s not all – we need your support!

We are seeking sponsorships and silent auction donations to make this celebration even more special.

By contributing, you’ll play a vital role in supporting our mission and making a positive impact in our community.

So mark your calendars and be part of this joyous occasion! We guarantee you an unforgettable experience that will leave you with cherished memories.

Stay tuned for more updates and details on how you can get involved. Together, let’s create a celebration that will be talked about for years to come!

Become a sponsor >>

Donate to the Silent Auction >>



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